Gain Control over the Environment and Biodiversity Your Organization Impacts
Doesn't our Biodiversity Deserve the Best Care?
Does it hurt to see forests disappear, wildlife die, species go extinct, to watch biodiversity loss happen in front of your eyes? Does it worry you to see biospheres collapse, communities fail, economies suffer? Do you not want to see millions more climate refugees?
You're not alone. Neither do we.
We're here to help you safeguard the biodiversity your organization impacts.



Are You Ready to Safeguard Your Environment?
We help corporations, governments, environmental agencies, conservation organizations, NGOs and funders realize their biodiversity impact goals.
We care about your environment. We care about our planet. We all want:

Environmental damage

Biodiversity loss

Human-wildlife conflict & poaching
How We Work
Goals Are Set
We work with you to define exactly what strategic, financial, operational, and impact goals your organization wants to achieve. We translate this into a high-level solution design, delivery plan and budget.
Solution Is Created
We work with you and our technology partners on the detailed solution design and architecture, build, deployment, test, and run of the solution to meet your organization's goals.
Results Are Realized
We work with you on operations support, maintenance, and enhancement of your solution's performance and efficacy to meet your organization's goals.
Solutions are based on core products which are 80%+ pre-build. We build the software, partners provide the hardware.

Platform ZERØ
SaaS platform with Internet-of-Things data ingestion, Digital Twin, AI, (Control & Command) User Interfaces, and APIs, of which 80%+ is pre-build

Darwin - Operational Intelligence
End-user app with real-time access to intelligence and centralized control & command.

Sentinel - Anti-Crime Intelligence
Intelligence service for law enforcement agencies to address threats from organized crime involved in illegal wildlife trafficking